HPCMSL – New-HPDriverPack

HP is about to release an update to the HP Client Management Script Library, (1.6.5) and with it, a new Commandlet, New-HPDriverPack. This fills a void with driver packs that has been plaguing us for years. The issue HP tackled? Stale driver packs! Typically driver packs get updated… rarely, lets go with that, but individual … Read more

Viewing ConfigMgr logs via PowerShell

Do you connect to remote machines via PowerShell frequently and view CM Logs… it’s ugly… so with the help of my friend Jeff Scripter, I’ve made it less ugly. TLDR.. Nice Script to create functions on GitHub UPDATE: 23.05.15- Jeff has released an updated version of the function: jpscripter/LogParsing (github.com) It will automatically populate a … Read more