Windows 10 as a Service. This page will be dedicated to Task Sequence Exports and other items relating to WaaS
WaaS Overview Blog Posts from Mike Terrill:
- Part 1:
- Part 2:
- Table of Contents:
WaaS TS Collection 2021.09.08 (50487 downloads )
WaaS TS Collection 2024.02.21 (11917 downloads )
- Provided Freely. Before asking questions on implementation, please read the several blog posts pertaining to this. I’m happy to answer simple questions you post to the comments, or post PUBLICLY on twitter, giving others the ability to provide assistance as well. I try my best to reply to everyone, but the volume I’ve received has skyrocketed.
- 1 Zip File containing several sub-folders of Task Sequences / Package & WaaS Baseline Export.
- Overall Blog Post to show contents: WaaS 1809 TS Collection
- This has been completely re-worked from the 1.0 version. No longer uses SetOSDInfo script to write to WMI. Now relies on REG2MOF, blogged here: WaaS 1809 – Regkey to MOF
- Process writes to Registry (HKLM\SOFTWARE\WaaS) to keep track of information throughout the process Registry Values used in WaaS Process for reporting
- Includes Pre-Assessment & Pre-Flight Process which is based on CIs: BLOGGED HERE
- Includes OS Uninstall Process DEMO: YouTube Video Demo
- Will Be blogged.. Blogged 2019.05.14: WaaS IPU – OSUninstall Module
- UserVoice: Make ConfigMgr OS Uninstall Aware
- Includes Roll Back & Recovery Steps to recover ConfigMgr Client from a Windows 10 Rollback Situation.
- Includes New Splash Screen used in IPU: Windows Splash Screen for the Task Sequence Progress
- Includes… so much more… I’ll add more info as I get time and blog additional docs about the process
- Includes BONUS “Debug Mode” Task Sequence to assist in troubleshooting: Building a Better Debug Task Sequence
- Pre-Cache of Driver Packages Explained: Driver Pack Mapping and Pre-Cache
- RollBack Recovery Module Explained: WaaS IPU – Rollback Recovery Module
Change Log for WaaS MMS2019
- 2019.05.10 – Initial BETA release of all Task Sequences & Required Content. *Use at your own risk Edition*
- 2019.05.11 – Updated several referenced packages to fix “CopyLog” Script. Cleaned up Debug Task Sequence.
- 2019.05.13 – Sanitized “Big Bank” from Module: Rollback Recovery Post TS
- 2019.05.19 – Sanitized “Big Bank” from Module: PreCache TS
- 2019.05.21 – Fixed Zip File where it was missing the PreCache TS (Sorry). Added Versioning in the Name & Read Me File in Zip
- 2019.05.22 – Fixed Upgrade TS so during PreFlight, if Fails, Updates WaaS_Stage to PreFlight_Failure
- Update to TS Step to write to Registry if SoftBlocker (Execution Rule)
- Update to PreFLight-Results.ps1 to write to Registry if HardBlocker
- 2019.05.30 – Several Fixes, along with completely revamped Export Method.
- Fixed 2 issues with OS Uninstall – Time Remaining in WPF & Update Machine Password
- Added Helpful ReadMe.txt file into Zip TS Collection.
- 2019.06.04 – Added REG2MOF Folder with Pre-Created MOF Files to import into your CM environment to collect the WaaS Keys / Values
- Also added a Step in the Upgrade TS to backup logs if TS Fails. (Basically Copied from the Pre-Cache TS)
- 2019.06.05 – Added Group in IPU TS for Cleanup / Repair with several conditions (More info in the ReadMe)
- Updated Scripts Package to write the UBR (Update Build Record) to the Registry of the Build it’s upgrading FROM (Already had TO)
WaaS MMS2018 (based on 1709 rollout) – Original Download (Relies on SetOSDInfo): WaaS CS & IPU Task Sequences (7714 downloads )
- NOTE – If download link fails.. try this. I’m trying a download plugin to keep track.. but it seems buggy.
- Includes Both PreCache / Compat Scan TS & the Actual Upgrade TS Exports.
- Includes sub TS with Windows 10 Customization.
- Include the Script to Gather Info from IPU and write to Registry for Hardware Inventory
- Includes Step to get the Hard Blocker information from the Compat Scan
- Includes: WaaS_Scripts Package (21770 downloads ) (all scripts and items used in my lab for OSD / IPU), but I’m also making this available as separate download.
Change Log for WaaS 1.0
- 9.13.2018
- Started this Page with Change Log
- Fixed Typo in both TS’s (SMSTSPerserveContent -> SMSTSPreserveContent). The Variable was spelled wrong.
- 10.07.2018
- Moved “Check Readiness” Section to before PreFlight. PreFlight has to come right before Main TS group so error logic works correctly.
- Modified Group Requirement Options in Group “Run if OS is not %SMSTS_Build%” from “All” to “Any” so TS would run if old version of OS or if TSVar SMSTS_Build_Bypass = True
- 11.09.2018
- Updated OSDInfo Script for IPU to better report Check Readiness failures. – Thanks @PaulEAndrews
- 11.16.2018
- Updated OSDInfo Script to fix syntax issue created in the last update. – Thanks @tomnibus
- Updated OSDInfo Script to fix If / Else syntax during CS section of script. – Thanks @tomnibus
- 01.23.2019
- Fixed typo, added UBR & UserAccount in SETOSDINFO Script.
- Changed Set-XXXXXXTime Variables in TSs, added -f ‘s’ to syntax.
- Added Steps to accommodate changes in SETOSDINFO script, mostly creating new variables.
Other Tools to help with Windows as a Service
- OS Builder: “OSBuilder is a PowerShell module to help you perform Offline Servicing to a Windows Operating System Image. By using an Offline method of configuring an Operating System, it can then be imported in MDT or SCCM and used like any other OS Deployment. This includes being able to use in an Upgrade Task Sequence, which you cannot do with a Captured Image.”
- A nice feature of this is that it will update with your Servicing Stack, your Dynamic Updates, and your monthly CU’s.
- Onevinn Windows 10 Upgrade tools – UPGBackground: UPGBackground will cover the entire screen, regardless if a user is logged on or not. In short this it is a full screen application that disables certain system key combinations such as ctr+alt+del and Alt-F4. Except for a debug password, it requires no configuration and it will survive a reboot at is launched as a Service.
- Onevinn WaaS Tools: TSLaunch which is run as a Package/Program and is used to do pre-flight checks and kick of a UI for the end user. In that UI the end-users can select to install Windows 10 now or Schedule it for a later date. – Updated 10/1/2018 – New Link HERE
- PreFlight GUI: Several checks before launching the upgrade TS, empowering the user. @RichMawdsley1
- There is a PreFlight Powershell script that we use included in the TS Download package, works great, but isn’t “pretty” for the user.
- Forcefully Upgrade to Windows 10: Windows-Noob, Niall Brady, @ncbrady
- This was a great read before we started our WaaS process, lots of good information.
- WaaS PART 1, PART 2, PART 3 – WaaS Process Blog by Martin Bengtsson
MS Docs
- WaaS OverView:
- Upgrade Troubleshooting:
- From Trevor Jones @trevor_smsagent: If you previously ran a successful compat scan yet your upgrade still fails, try deleting the $WINDOWS.~BT folder first: [POSH] Remove-Item -Path “$env:SystemDrive\`$Windows.~BT” -Recurse -Force
- This fixes errors with dll files in the Sources folder, eg: FatalError [0x090001] PANTHR Exception (code 0xC0000005: ACCESS_VIOLATION) occurred at 0x00007FFA849AB534 in C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\*.dll
- Make sure you’re updating your Media with the Dynamic Updates. Detailed info on this BLOG POST thanks to Adam Gross – @AdamGrossTX
- Keeping your Upgrade WIM as small as possible, thanks to Mike Terrill: BLOG POST HERE
- Troubleshooting Script for when a TS hangs, or other things go wrong: BLOG POST HERE
- Managing Language Packs. , @danjpadgett: BLOG POST HERE
If you have other Tips, Blog Posts or Tools that assist with Windows as a Service, please connect with me on twitter. @gwblok