Test Low Disk Space / Create Large Test File

So I stole this code from my friend Keith G, who provided it to assist with testing scenarios to see if our safe guards would work.
Basically, the 1 line command will check your drive, then create a dynamically sized file to leave “XX” GB remaining.  In my command, I leave only 15GB Free, which is low enough to trigger a failure on our in place upgrades.  Then I can test to make sure the the IPU TS fails the way I expect, running the proper remediation steps, and records the metrics for reporting.

Code: (run in elevated PowerShell Console)

get-volume c | % {$_.SizeRemaining - 15GB} |  % {Fsutil file createnew c:\TestFile.id $_}

So I made it into an App, I’ve added a few items into the app model to allow me to “install” it quickly on a machine to test failure scenarios.

App Code:

powershell.exe -command "get-volume c | % {$_.SizeRemaining - 15GB} |  % {Fsutil file createnew c:\TestFile.id $_}"

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Get Package CCMCache Location

Ever want to know where in the CCMCache the content was located for that package that was downloaded?  Ever think you found it, then figured out it wasn’t the most updated version of the content?  I quick wrote this script to help me find where in the cache the content is located, and spits back the most updated version of it.

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