HPCMSL – New-HPDriverPack

HP is about to release an update to the HP Client Management Script Library, (1.6.5) and with it, a new Commandlet, New-HPDriverPack. This fills a void with driver packs that has been plaguing us for years. The issue HP tackled? Stale driver packs! Typically driver packs get updated… rarely, lets go with that, but individual … Read more

Gather User Account Name during IPU

This came about because we wanted to confirm the user account that initiated the upgrade in software center.  This script will then capture that information into a TS Variable, and can then be written to Registry / WMI using our collect information script that runs.  Both the Script and the Step in the TS have … Read more

Update CCMCache Size via PowerShell

Super short post, just more for self-documenting. I found tons of scripts out there to do this, but they all required having to reset ccmexec before the cache size updates.  So… if you do it from the control panel, you don’t have to reset the service…  what were those scripts doing wrong, that the control … Read more