Gather User Account Name during IPU

This came about because we wanted to confirm the user account that initiated the upgrade in software center.  This script will then capture that information into a TS Variable, and can then be written to Registry / WMI using our collect information script that runs.  Both the Script and the Step in the TS have … Read more

Customize SetupComplete.cmd and SetupRollback.cmd

Why?  Ever want to run a few tasks after upgrade, or more importantly, ensure a few things happen if the upgrade goes south and rollsback?  Why not hitch a ride on what ConfigMgr is doing natively and add a few things you need. Supported?  Highly unlikely.  Please test, and please don’t say “Gary did it” … Read more

Collect OSD / IPU Info with Hardware Inventory

Update 2019.01.22 To include User Account that triggered the Upgrade & Unique Build Record Info. Blog Post for “Gather Account Name during IPU” HERE Update 2018.08.01 To include Hard  Blocker from  Compat Scan, requires you to add a step into the TS to capture the Hard  Blocker to a  TS Variable,  Blog Post HERE Update … Read more