“Fix Windows ADK version 1809 issue with crashing WPF applications” during a Task Sequence

Ok, so basically this information is completely stolen from Nickolaj Anderson, Twitter: @NickolajA, the files required and original blog post and credit can be found HERE. I even stole 75% of the blog post title. I recommend you read that if you haven’t as it gives more detailed information to what is actually going on.   … Read more

Task Sequence Variables

Update 2018.12.24 – Johan Schrewelius has updated the gather.ps1 script on Technet .He has added several more variables, including the ones I was still needing to completely move away from MDT.  I’ve updated the screen captures to included the additional variables. 2024.4.5 – Updated variable script here: Gather-Script-For-ConfigMgr-TS/Gather.ps1 at main · Josch62/Gather-Script-For-ConfigMgr-TS (github.com) —- Recently … Read more

Run PowerShell ISE as System to Test scripts… From Software Center

Yet another post caused by my recent rebuilding of my lab from scratch after I totally hosed my last CM Server.  This time I’m documenting (blogging) a few additional things. So you write a lot of scripts for ConfigMgr?  Notice that they sometimes don’t perform quite as expected because they run as system instead of … Read more