Ok, so basically this information is completely stolen from Nickolaj Anderson, Twitter: @NickolajA, the files required and original blog post and credit can be found HERE. I even stole 75% of the blog post title. I recommend you read that if you haven’t as it gives more detailed information to what is actually going on. Yet More info from David Segura’s Blog HERE. on Twitter: @SeguraOSD
I’m hoping in the future, MS “fixes” this unsupported feature.. but I’m not really expecting them to.
So I took that information and used it to fix my WPF front end by simply creating a CM Package, adding the two files, then having a run command line step to insert them into WinPE right before I launch my front end. I do it this way because I don’t want to modify my boot media, and if they fix it for 1903, I can just delete the step in the TS and back to normal.
This is how I’m resolving the issue in my environment, without modifying the boot image:
Create a CM Package, Info: Name WPFFix. Source: Folder with 2 dll Files. Programs: None.
Contains the 2 files specified in Nickolaj’s Blog, no program, just that simple. You can grab the files from a 1809 system: c:\windows\system32
In the TS: cmd.exe /c copy *.dll “%windir%\system32” /y
Optional, add condition(s) on that step to only run if WinPE Media = 1809
OSCurrentBuild = 17763
To get the OSCurrentBuild Variable, you need MDT or run another script to add additional variables, I use Johan’s Script from TechNet
I also have a custom variable that if set to True, will skip my Front End, so If I’m going to skip my FrontEnd, I might as well skip this step too.
Run that step before you launch your WPF App, and badda bing, my Front End Works again!
Before Adding Step, my smsts log was full of read and that step would fail:
Now: SUCCESS… my Front End for OSD!
Thanks again to several members of the community doing the leg work on this.