HP CMSL – ConfigMgr CIs

Update 2023.03.08 – Updated the CI’s for Updating PowerShellGet & PackageManagement Modules. – Replace what is in the post with these two: Updated 2020.04.20 – Added CI’s to support HPCMSL PowerShell Module from Gallery. – More Info at Bottom. [GITHUB LINK] Updated 2019.12.25 – More Examples at bottom… because it’s Christmas, and I just enjoy … Read more

Download & Install the Latest HP Script Library via Powershell

This is my initial script, still working on the part that will update the Application in CM, but for now, I am going to post this.  If you use HP hardware, you NEED to learn these tools. https://developers.hp.com/hp-client-management/doc/client-management-script-library What the script does, downloads the XML information from HP, looks up the latest version of the … Read more

Update HP BIOS using PowerShell and Internet Connection

Update 2023.04.25 – If you’re wanting to Update your HP BIOS, and you have Intune, I’d recommend looking at HP Connect. If you’re still looking for your own scripting solution, I’d look at this updated Post: Auto Updates of your BIOS & Drivers with HPIA, HPCMSL, HP Connect – GARYTOWN ConfigMgr Blog Update 2020.11.17 – … Read more