Updating Dell Bios with ConfigMgr–Post 1–Creating Model based Collections

First Post of several leading up to deploying Bios Updates / Bios Settings to Dell machines using the Application Model of ConfigMgr Update 10/12/16 – Don’t use “Like” in Collection Queries.  Since I wrote this post, I’ve gone back through and updated all the collection to use “equals”.  I’ve updated the post to reflect that … Read more

Automate WinSCP Deployment with ConfigMgr

This will automate the install of WinSCP and Disable Updates. Create your Folder Structure:\\ConfigMgrSourceServer\Apps\WinSCP\VersionNumber\ Download WinSCP here:https://winscp.net/eng/download.php Scripts & Files available here: http://garytown.com/Downloads/WinSCP.zipDownload the EXE into the folder (Delete the blank place holder) Create your Install & Uninstall Scripts: Load_WinSCP.cmd Script:—————————– :pathsSET loc=%~dp0 REM Using FOR Loop to find any EXE file and run it … Read more

Automate FileZilla Client Deployment with ConfigMgr

This will automate the install of FileZilla Client and Disable Updater, and initial splash page via  fzdefaults.xml file. Create your Folder Structure:\\ConfigMgrSourceServer\Apps\FileZilla\VersionNumber\ Download FileZilla here:https://filezilla-project.org/download.php?show_all=1I’m using the Windows (32-bit) Version Scripts & Files available here: http://garytown.com/Downloads/FileZilla.zipDownload the EXE into the folder (Delete the blank place holder) Create your Install & Uninstall Scripts: Load_FileZilla.cmd Script:—————————– REM … Read more

Automate Notepad ++ Deployment with ConfigMgr

This will automate the install of Notepad ++ and Disable Update Notifications using the config.model.xml file. Create your Folder Structure: \\ConfigMgrSourceServer\Apps\NotepadPlusPlus\VersionNumber\ Download Notepad++ here:https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/ Scripts & Files available here: http://garytown.com/Downloads/NotepadPlusPlus.zip Download the EXE into the folder (Delete the blank place holder) Create your Install & Uninstall Scripts: load_npp.cmd Script: —————————– REM Notepad ++ Install Script … Read more

Automate Google Chrome Deployment with ConfigMgr

This will automate the install of Chrome, as well as provide information on customizing the default user experience for your environment. Updated 12/4 to included PowerShell Script (Load_Chrome.ps1) – Script adds popup box if user has Chrome Open before installing. (Included in the Download Zip File) – Thanks @Geodesicz Note – Updated 12/4,  Version 47.0.2526.73 … Read more