Windows 10 Tweak: Change Command Prompt to PowerShell as Default in WinX Menu Action

Update: 10/17/2016 – Confirmed works on 1607 & Server 2016For in place upgrades, recommend using Group Policy to add registry Keys     Or simply run this to add it to your own profile… (requires log off & log on)REG ADD “HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced” /V DontUsePowerShellOnWinX /T REG_DWORD /D 00000000 /F ________________________Original Post:So you love to Right-Click … Read more

My 5 Favorite Now Micro’s Right Click Tools Features.

If you were to ask me, which ConfigMgr addon tool could you NOT live without, it would undoubtedly be the Now Micro’s Right Click Tools.  The added functionality is essential for ConfigMgr Console users ranging from Service Desk staff to High level ConfigMgr Admins.  If your service desk isn’t using the Console and RCTs available, … Read more

Regularly Updating Applications like Notepad ++ and WinSCP using ConfigMgr

So you have several applications in your environment that get regular updates and your 3rd party software patching program doesn’t include them, or worse yet, you don’t have a 3rd party software patching solution.  With a little work, you can setup your own way to target those applications and patch them with minimal work. I … Read more

Updating Dell Bios with ConfigMgr–Post 3–The Application Deployment

  First, you’ll need to add global conditions for your model, I was able to use @agerlund  Kent Agerlund’s blog to achieve this: next few parts are borrowed directly from his post (When a Master creates good content, why re-invent the wheel): Creating the condition, open the ConfigMgr. administrator console, select Software Library, Application … Read more

Updating Dell Bios with ConfigMgr–Post 2–The Scripts

In Post 1, we created the collections, now we’ll create the Scripts used to Deploy the Bios Updates All of the scripts, along with cctk tools needed are located here: Note: CCTK – Recommend brushing up on it here: Bios Command Line syntax: In our environment, we use Bitlocker, so I had … Read more