UPDATE 2020.02.07 – Uploaded New Version to GITHUB. New Version includes the function that it first copies the Task sequences you specify to a new folder, it then searches those Task Sequences for Sub Task Sequences and Copies those to the new Folder, it then updates the Parent TS’s to use the new Copied Sub TS’s, providing completely new TS’s, which make it easier to import later, as it will not prompt to overwrite.
After the script creates the Main TS’s you specify and all of the “Child TS’s” that are referenced, it works its way through the Parent TSs and updates all of the references to the new child TSs
Original Post:
Ok, so I’ve been spending a lot of time manually exporting things from my Lab and uploading. So this morning I was like… I’m done, I’m scripting this. So a couple hours later, this is what I got.
While this exact script probably isn’t useful to many, there are parts that might be, as well as some examples of how to do exports.
I was really hoping to figure out doing a compare of the TSObject.Sequence between the two runs so I could see exactly what steps had changed… but haven’t figured that one out yet.
Anyway… here it is..
What it does
- Loops through the Task Sequences & Packages I’ve specified.
- Creates the Directory Structure and Exports each
- Imports Exported XML from Last Run
- Exports the XML data for each to “LastRun” Folder
- Compares Current Task Sequences & Packages against last run to determine if there as been any changes.
- Logs Task Sequences and all References for each TS
- Logs Comparison of Current & Last Run
- Logs Changes
The Exports of the TS includes dependancies but NOT Content. All Content needed in the Task Sequences (Besides the Upgrade Media) Is exported separately.
What does it look like in action?
Logs: WaaS_TS_Export.log – Shows all Exports & References along with Date Modified & Version
One log that shows only the changed items
# Site configuration $SiteCode = "PS2" # Site code $ProviderMachineName = "CM.corp.viamonstra.com" # SMS Provider machine name # Customizations $initParams = @{} #$initParams.Add("Verbose", $true) # Uncomment this line to enable verbose logging #$initParams.Add("ErrorAction", "Stop") # Uncomment this line to stop the script on any errors # Do not change anything below this line # Import the ConfigurationManager.psd1 module if((Get-Module ConfigurationManager) -eq $null) { Import-Module "$($ENV:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH)\..\ConfigurationManager.psd1" @initParams } # Connect to the site's drive if it is not already present if((Get-PSDrive -Name $SiteCode -PSProvider CMSite -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) { New-PSDrive -Name $SiteCode -PSProvider CMSite -Root $ProviderMachineName @initParams } # Set the current location to be the site code. Set-Location "$($SiteCode):\" @initParams $Comment = "Exported from GARYTOWN.COM" $TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format yyyy.MM.dd $ExportFolderParent ="\\src\src$\OSD\TSExports" $ExportLocation = "$($ExportFolderParent)\$($TimeStamp)" $LastExportLocation = "$($ExportFolderParent)\LastExport" $Logfile = "$($ExportLocation)\WaaS_TS_Export.log" $CompareExportLog = "$($ExportLocation).WaaS_TS_CompareExportLog.log" $ChangeLog = "$($ExportLocation).WaaS_TS_ChangeLog.log" #Reset Vars $TSObjectLastRun = $null $ContentObjectLastRun = $null $WaaSBaselineLastRun = $null #region: CMTraceLog Function formats logging in CMTrace style function CMTraceLog { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Message, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $ErrorMessage, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Component = "WaaS Exporter", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$Type, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $LogFile ) <# Type: 1 = Normal, 2 = Warning (yellow), 3 = Error (red) #> $Time = Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss.ffffff" $Date = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy" if ($ErrorMessage -ne $null) {$Type = 3} if ($Component -eq $null) {$Component = " "} if ($Type -eq $null) {$Type = 1} $LogMessage = "<![LOG[$Message $ErrorMessage" + "]LOG]!><time=`"$Time`" date=`"$Date`" component=`"$Component`" context=`"`" type=`"$Type`" thread=`"`" file=`"`">" $LogMessage | Out-File -Append -Encoding UTF8 -FilePath $LogFile } #Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" $TaskSequenceTable= @( @{ TSName = 'DebugMode'; Folder = "DebugModeTS"; TSPackageID = "PS200038"; Comment = "GARYTOWN.COM - This Task Sequence is useful for Debugging"} @{ TSName = 'PreCache'; Folder = "WaaS_PreCacheTS"; TSPackageID = "PS200072"; Comment = "GARYTOWN.COM - This is the PreCache / CompatScan TS"} @{ TSName = 'OSUninstall'; Folder = "WaaS_OSUninstall"; TSPackageID = "PS200084"; Comment = "GARYTOWN.COM - This is the OSUninstall TS"} @{ TSName = 'Upgrade'; Folder = "WaaS_UpgradeTS"; TSPackageID = "PS200081"; Comment = "GARYTOWN.COM - This is the Upgrade TS"} ) $ContentPackageTable=@( @{ ContentName = 'OSD TS Scripts & Tools'; Folder = "TSScriptsTools"; PackageID = "PS20006A"; Comment = "GARYTOWN.COM - Main Package for Scripts & Tools Used in IPU"} @{ ContentName = 'WaaS_Scripts'; Folder = "WaaSScripts"; PackageID = "PS1000B2"; Comment = "GARYTOWN.COM - Package from Previous IPU, Basically just Branding Now"} @{ ContentName = 'Custom Splash Screen'; Folder = "SplashScreen"; PackageID = "PS20003E"; Comment = "GARYTOWN.COM - Fancy Splash Screen Replacement"} @{ ContentName = 'DebugMode'; Folder = "DebugMode"; PackageID = "PS200071"; Comment = "GARYTOWN.COM - Debug Tools"} @{ ContentName = 'LockScreen'; Folder = "LockScreen"; PackageID = "PS200070"; Comment = "GARYTOWN.COM - LockScreen Images"} ) Set-Location -Path "C:" if (-Not(Test-Path -Path $ExportLocation)){New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $ExportLocation} if (-Not(Test-Path -Path $LastExportLocation)){New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $LastExportLocation} if (Test-Path -Path $LogFile){Remove-Item -Path $LogFile} if (Test-Path -Path $CompareExportLog){Remove-Item -Path $CompareExportLog} CMTraceLog -Message "----- Exporting WaaS Task Sequences FOR THE WIN ------" -Type 3 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS TS Export" foreach ($TaskSequence in $TaskSequenceTable) { Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" $TSObject = Get-CMTaskSequence -TaskSequencePackageId $TaskSequence.TSPackageID Set-Location -Path "C:" if (Test-Path "$($LastExportLocation)\$($TSObject.Name).xml"){$TSObjectLastRun = Import-Clixml -Path "$($LastExportLocation)\$($TSObject.Name).xml"} Export-Clixml -InputObject $TSObject -Path "$($LastExportLocation)\$($TSObject.Name).xml" -Force if (-not($TSObjectLastRun -eq $null)) { if ($TSObject.LastRefreshTime -eq $TSObjectLastRun.LastRefreshTime) { CMTraceLog -Message "TS: $($TSObject.Name) - No Changes since last Export" -Type 1 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " TS: $($TSObject.Name) - Last Refresh: $($TSObject.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) " -Type 1 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" } Else { CMTraceLog -Message "TS: $($TSObject.Name) - New Changes since last Export" -Type 3 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " TS: $($TSObject.Name) - New Refresh: $($TSObject.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) from :$($TSObjectLastRun.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) " -Type 1 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message "TS: $($TSObject.Name) - New Refresh: $($TSObject.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) from :$($TSObjectLastRun.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" } } $TSSourceDate = $TSObject.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") $TSExportDir = "$($ExportLocation)\TaskSequences\$($TaskSequence.Folder)" $TSExportName = "$($TaskSequence.Folder)_GARYTOWN_$($TSSourceDate).zip" if (-Not(Test-Path -Path $TSExportDir)){New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $TSExportDir} CMTraceLog -Message "----- Exporting TS: $($TSObject.Name) ------" -Type 1 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS TS Export" Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" Export-CMTaskSequence -InputObject $TSObject -ExportFilePath "$($TSExportDir)\$($TSExportName)" -Comment $TaskSequence.Comment -WithDependence $true -WithContent $false -Force Set-Location -Path "C:" CMTraceLog -Message "Exported TS: $($TaskSequence.Folder) on $($TimeStamp) with a Last Modified Date of: $($TSSourceDate)" -Type 2 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS TS Export" Write-Output "Exported TS: $($TSObject.Name) on $($TimeStamp) with a Last Modified Date of: $($TSSourceDate)" Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" if (($TSObject.References).count -ge 1) { Set-Location -Path "C:" CMTraceLog -Message "----- Listing References ------" -Type 1 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS TS Reference" Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" foreach ($Reference in $TSObject.References) { $TSReferenceObject = Get-CMTaskSequence -TaskSequencePackageId $Reference.Package -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($TSReferenceObject -ne $null) { $TSReferenceSourceDate = $TSReferenceObject.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") Set-Location -Path "C:" CMTraceLog -Message " Exported Reference TS: $($TSReferenceObject.Name) with a Last Modified Date of: $($TSReferenceSourceDate)" -Type 1 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS TS Reference" Write-Output "Exported Reference TS: $($TSReferenceObject.Name) with a Last Modified Date of: $($TSReferenceSourceDate)" Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" } } foreach ($Reference in $TSObject.References) { $TSReferencePackageObject = Get-CMPackage -Id $Reference.Package -fast -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($TSReferencePackageObject -ne $null) { $TSReferencePackageSourceDate = $TSReferencePackageObject.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") Set-Location -Path "C:" CMTraceLog -Message " Exported Reference Package: $($TSReferencePackageObject.Name) with a Last Modified Date of: $($TSReferencePackageSourceDate) - NO CONTENT" -Type 1 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS TS Reference" Write-Output "Exported Reference Package: $($TSReferencePackageObject.Name) with a Last Modified Date of: $($TSReferencePackageSourceDate) - NO CONTENT" Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" } } Set-Location -Path "C:" CMTraceLog -Message "----- Finished Listing References ------" -Type 1 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS TS Reference" Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" } } Set-Location -Path "C:" CMTraceLog -Message "----- Exporting WaaS Packages WITH CONTENT ------" -Type 3 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS Package Export" foreach ($Content in $ContentPackageTable) { Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" $ContentObject = Get-CMPackage -Id $Content.PackageID -fast Set-Location -Path "C:" if (Test-Path "$($LastExportLocation)\$($ContentObject.Name).xml"){$ContentObjectLastRun = Import-Clixml -Path "$($LastExportLocation)\$($ContentObject.Name).xml"} Export-Clixml -InputObject $ContentObject -Path "$($LastExportLocation)\$($ContentObject.Name).xml" -Force if (-not($ContentObjectLastRun -eq $null)) { if ($ContentObject.LastRefreshTime -eq $ContentObjectLastRun.LastRefreshTime) { CMTraceLog -Message "Package: $($ContentObject.Name) - No Changes since last Export" -Type 1 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Package: $($ContentObject.Name) - Last Refresh: $($ContentObject.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) " -Type 1 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" } Else { CMTraceLog -Message "Package: $($ContentObject.Name) - New Changes since last Export" -Type 3 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Package: $($ContentObject.Name) - New Refresh: $($ContentObject.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) from :$($ContentObjectLastRun.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) " -Type 1 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message "Package: $($ContentObject.Name) - New Refresh: $($ContentObject.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) from :$($ContentObjectLastRun.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) " -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" } } $ContentSourceDate = $ContentObject.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") $ContentExportDir = "$($ExportLocation)\Packages\$($Content.Folder)" $ContentExportName = "$($Content.Folder)_GARYTOWN_$($ContentSourceDate).zip" Set-Location -Path "C:" if (-Not(Test-Path -Path $ContentExportDir)){New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $ContentExportDir} Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" Export-CMPackage -InputObject $ContentObject -FileName "$($ContentExportDir)\$($ContentExportName)" -Comment $Comment.Comment -WithContent $true -Force Set-Location -Path "C:" CMTraceLog -Message "Exported Package: $($Content.Folder) on $($TimeStamp) with a Last Modified Date of: $($ContentSourceDate)" -Type 1 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS Package Export" Write-Output "Exported Package: $($Content.Folder) on $($TimeStamp) with a Last Modified Date of: $($ContentSourceDate)" Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" } #Export Waas Baseline $WaaSBaseline = Get-CMBaseline -Name "WaaS*" Set-Location -Path "C:" if (Test-Path "$($LastExportLocation)\$($WaaSBaseline.LocalizedDisplayName).xml"){$WaaSBaselineLastRun = Import-Clixml -Path "$($LastExportLocation)\$($WaaSBaseline.LocalizedDisplayName).xml"} Export-Clixml -InputObject $WaaSBaseline -Path "$($LastExportLocation)\$($WaaSBaseline.LocalizedDisplayName).xml" -Force if (-Not($WaaSBaselineLastRun -eq $null)) { if ($WaaSBaseline.CIVersion -eq $WaaSBaselineLastRun.CIVersion) { CMTraceLog -Message "Baseline: $($WaaSBaseline.LocalizedDisplayName) - No Changes since last Export" -Type 1 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Baseline: $($WaaSBaseline.LocalizedDisplayName) - Version: $($WaaSBaselineLastRun.CIVersion) Last Refresh: $($WaaSBaseline.DateLastModified.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) " -Type 1 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" } Else { CMTraceLog -Message "Baseline: $($WaaSBaseline.LocalizedDisplayName) - New Changes since last Export" -Type 3 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Baseline: $($WaaSBaseline.LocalizedDisplayName) - New Version: $($WaaSBaselineLastRun.CIVersion) from: $($WaaSBaselineLastRun.CIVersion) on $($WaaSBaseline.DateLastModified.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) " -Type 1 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message "Baseline: $($WaaSBaseline.LocalizedDisplayName) - New Version: $($WaaSBaselineLastRun.CIVersion) from: $($WaaSBaselineLastRun.CIVersion) on $($WaaSBaseline.DateLastModified.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) " -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" } } $WaaSBaselineModDate = $WaaSBaseline.DateLastModified.ToString("yyyyMMdd") $WaaSBaselineExportDir = "$($ExportLocation)\Baseline" Set-Location -Path "C:" if (-Not(Test-Path -Path $WaaSBaselineExportDir)){New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $WaaSBaselineExportDir} Write-Output "Exporting Baseline: $($WaaSBaseline.LocalizedDisplayName) version: $($WaaSBaseline.CIVersion) with a Last Modified Date of: $($WaaSBaselineModDate)" CMTraceLog -Message "Started Export of $($WaaSBaseline.LocalizedDisplayName)" -Type 1 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS Baseline Export" Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" Export-CMBaseline -InputObject $WaaSBaseline -Path "$($WaaSBaselineExportDir)\WaaS_PreAssessment_v$($WaaSBaseline.CIVersion)_$($WaaSBaselineModDate).cab" Set-Location -Path "C:" CMTraceLog -Message "Exported Baseline: $($WaaSBaseline.LocalizedDisplayName) version: $($WaaSBaseline.CIVersion) with a Last Modified Date of: $($WaaSBaselineModDate)" -Type 2 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS Baseline Export" CMTraceLog -Message "----- WaaS Export Process Complete ------" -Type 3 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS Package Export"
Update 2019.06.19
I’ve added Automatic change Logging for Package Differences as well. It will now “Suck in” all of the package contents, and tell you the files that have changed from the last upload to the current upload.
This script also opens FTP connection and uploads the Zipped content.
# Site configuration $SiteCode = "PS2" # Site code $ProviderMachineName = "CM.corp.viamonstra.com" # SMS Provider machine name # Customizations $initParams = @{} #$initParams.Add("Verbose", $true) # Uncomment this line to enable verbose logging #$initParams.Add("ErrorAction", "Stop") # Uncomment this line to stop the script on any errors # Do not change anything below this line # Import the ConfigurationManager.psd1 module if((Get-Module ConfigurationManager) -eq $null) { Import-Module "$($ENV:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH)\..\ConfigurationManager.psd1" @initParams } # Connect to the site's drive if it is not already present if((Get-PSDrive -Name $SiteCode -PSProvider CMSite -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) { New-PSDrive -Name $SiteCode -PSProvider CMSite -Root $ProviderMachineName @initParams } # Set the current location to be the site code. Set-Location "$($SiteCode):\" @initParams $Comment = "Exported from GARYTOWN.COM" $TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format yyyy.MM.dd $ExportFolderParent ="\\src\src$\OSD\TSExports" $ExportLocation = "$($ExportFolderParent)\$($TimeStamp)" $LastExportLocation = "$($ExportFolderParent)\LastExport" $Logfile = "$($ExportLocation)\WaaS_TS_Export.log" $CompareExportLog = "$($ExportLocation)\WaaS_TS_CompareExportLog.log" $ChangeLog = "$($ExportLocation)\WaaS_TS_ChangeLog.log" $ChangeLogCombine = "$($ExportFolderParent)\WaaS_TS_ChangeLogCombine.log" #Reset Vars $TSObjectLastRun = $null $ContentObjectLastRun = $null $WaaSBaselineLastRun = $null #region: CMTraceLog Function formats logging in CMTrace style function CMTraceLog { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Message, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $ErrorMessage, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Component = "WaaS Exporter", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$Type, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $LogFile ) <# Type: 1 = Normal, 2 = Warning (yellow), 3 = Error (red) #> $Time = Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss.ffffff" $Date = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy" if ($ErrorMessage -ne $null) {$Type = 3} if ($Component -eq $null) {$Component = " "} if ($Type -eq $null) {$Type = 1} $LogMessage = "<![LOG[$Message $ErrorMessage" + "]LOG]!><time=`"$Time`" date=`"$Date`" component=`"$Component`" context=`"`" type=`"$Type`" thread=`"`" file=`"`">" $LogMessage | Out-File -Append -Encoding UTF8 -FilePath $LogFile } #Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" $TaskSequenceTable= @( @{ TSName = 'DebugMode'; Folder = "DebugModeTS"; TSPackageID = "PS200038"; Comment = "GARYTOWN.COM - This Task Sequence is useful for Debugging"} @{ TSName = 'PreCache'; Folder = "WaaS_PreCacheTS"; TSPackageID = "PS200072"; Comment = "GARYTOWN.COM - This is the PreCache / CompatScan TS"} @{ TSName = 'OSUninstall'; Folder = "WaaS_OSUninstall"; TSPackageID = "PS200084"; Comment = "GARYTOWN.COM - This is the OSUninstall TS"} @{ TSName = 'Upgrade'; Folder = "WaaS_UpgradeTS"; TSPackageID = "PS200081"; Comment = "GARYTOWN.COM - This is the Upgrade TS"} ) $ContentPackageTable=@( @{ ContentName = 'OSD TS Scripts & Tools'; Folder = "TSScriptsTools"; PackageID = "PS20006A"; Comment = "GARYTOWN.COM - Main Package for Scripts & Tools Used in IPU"} @{ ContentName = 'WaaS_Scripts'; Folder = "WaaSScripts"; PackageID = "PS1000B2"; Comment = "GARYTOWN.COM - Package from Previous IPU, Basically just Branding Now"} @{ ContentName = 'Custom Splash Screen'; Folder = "SplashScreen"; PackageID = "PS20003E"; Comment = "GARYTOWN.COM - Fancy Splash Screen Replacement"} @{ ContentName = 'DebugMode'; Folder = "DebugMode"; PackageID = "PS200071"; Comment = "GARYTOWN.COM - Debug Tools"} @{ ContentName = 'LockScreen'; Folder = "LockScreen"; PackageID = "PS200070"; Comment = "GARYTOWN.COM - LockScreen Images"} ) Set-Location -Path "C:" if (-Not(Test-Path -Path $ExportLocation)){New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $ExportLocation} if (-Not(Test-Path -Path $LastExportLocation)) {New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $LastExportLocation} Else #Backup Last Run, because you know you need to. {Copy-Item -Path $LastExportLocation -Destination "$($LastExportLocation)$($TimeStamp)" -Recurse} if (Test-Path -Path $LogFile){Remove-Item -Path $LogFile} if (Test-Path -Path $CompareExportLog){Remove-Item -Path $CompareExportLog} CMTraceLog -Message "----- Exporting WaaS Task Sequences FOR THE WIN ------" -Type 3 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS TS Export" CMTraceLog -Message "---- Change Log Run from $TimeStamp ----" -Type 3 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message "---- Change Log Run from $TimeStamp ----" -Type 3 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" foreach ($TaskSequence in $TaskSequenceTable) { Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" $TSObject = Get-CMTaskSequence -TaskSequencePackageId $TaskSequence.TSPackageID Set-Location -Path "C:" if (Test-Path "$($LastExportLocation)\$($TSObject.Name).xml"){$TSObjectLastRun = Import-Clixml -Path "$($LastExportLocation)\$($TSObject.Name).xml"} #Export the TS as XML Data into the Last Export Folder for Reference the next time you run script Export-Clixml -InputObject $TSObject -Path "$($LastExportLocation)\$($TSObject.Name).xml" -Force if (-not($TSObjectLastRun -eq $null)) { if ($TSObject.LastRefreshTime -eq $TSObjectLastRun.LastRefreshTime) { CMTraceLog -Message "TS: $($TSObject.Name) - No Changes since last Export" -Type 1 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " TS: $($TSObject.Name) - Last Refresh: $($TSObject.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) " -Type 1 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" } Else { #Lots happening here... #This goes through and compares the TS(s) with the last time the export was done (XML Files in the Last Export location Folder) #It will list a few basics of each steps, and you'll have to pull out the change visually. #For Exmaple, if you don't see 2 instances of a step (Current & Previous), then it was an Add or Remove #Current = Added #Previous = Removed #If you see both Current & Previous listed, but don't see a change to the step in the log, then it's one of the things I don't log (Continue on Error, Disabled, Conditions, etc) #You'll have to dig through the XML Files of the changed Step to find the difference. (If you really want to know) CMTraceLog -Message "TS: $($TSObject.Name) - New Changes since last Export" -Type 3 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " TS: $($TSObject.Name) - New Refresh: $($TSObject.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) from :$($TSObjectLastRun.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) " -Type 1 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message "TS: $($TSObject.Name) - New Refresh: $($TSObject.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) from :$($TSObjectLastRun.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))" -Type 2 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message "TS: $($TSObject.Name) - New Refresh: $($TSObject.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) from :$($TSObjectLastRun.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))" -Type 2 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" Export-Clixml -InputObject $TSObjectLastRun.Sequence -Path "\\src\src$\OSD\TSExports\ExportLastRun.XML" Export-Clixml -InputObject $TSObject.Sequence -Path "\\src\src$\OSD\TSExports\ExportCurrentRun.XML" [xml]$XML1 = $TSObjectLastRun.Sequence [xml]$XML2 = $TSObject.Sequence #Grabs all Steps from All TS $steps1 = $XML1.GetElementsByTagName('step') $Steps2 = $XML2.GetElementsByTagName('step') #Grabs all groups from All TS $groups1 = $XML1.GetElementsByTagName('group') $groups2 = $XML2.GetElementsByTagName('group') #Gets the Differences in the Steps / Groups $diffStep = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $steps1.outerxml -DifferenceObject $steps2.outerxml $diffgroup = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $groups1.name -DifferenceObject $groups2.name CMTraceLog -Message " ---- Starting Details of Step Differences Since last Export ----" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " ---- Starting Details of Step Differences Since last Export ----" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" #Build more "Friendly" Array of the Data in XML to make logging easier if ($diffStep -ne $null) { $stepobject = @() Foreach ($step in $diffStep) {$obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject [XML]$stepXML = $step.InputObject if ($step.SideIndicator -eq "<="){$status = "Previous Export"} Else {$status = "Current Export"} $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Indicator' -Value $step.SideIndicator $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Status' -Value $status $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'StepName' -Value $stepXML.step.name $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'StepType' -Value $stepXML.step.type $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'StepAction' -Value $stepXML.step.action $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'StepDescription' -Value $stepXML.step.description $stepobject += $obj} #Sort the Data by Step Name $stepobject = $stepobject | Sort-Object -Property "StepName" #Create the Logs for Changes in Steps foreach ($step in $stepobject) { CMTraceLog -Message " ---- ---- ---- ----" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " ---- ---- ---- ----" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" if ($step.Indicator -eq "=>") { Write-Host "Current Export - Step Name: $($step.StepName)" -ForegroundColor Yellow CMTraceLog -Message " Current Export - Step Name: $($step.StepName)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Current Export - Step Name: $($step.StepName)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" Write-Host "Current Export - Step Type: $($step.StepType)" -ForegroundColor Cyan CMTraceLog -Message " Current Export - Step Type: $($step.StepType)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Current Export - Step Type: $($step.StepType)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" Write-Host "Current Export - Step Action: $($step.StepAction)" -ForegroundColor Cyan CMTraceLog -Message " Current Export - Step Action: $($step.StepAction)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Current Export - Step Action: $($step.StepAction)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" Write-Host "Current Export - Step Decription: $($step.StepDescription)" -ForegroundColor Cyan CMTraceLog -Message " Current Export - Step Decription: $($step.StepDescription)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Current Export - Step Decription: $($step.StepDescription)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" } if ($step.Indicator -eq "<=") { Write-Host "Previous Export - Step Name: $($step.StepName)" -ForegroundColor Yellow CMTraceLog -Message " Previous Export - Step Name: $($step.StepName)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Previous Export - Step Name: $($step.StepName)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" Write-Host "Previous Export - Step Type: $($step.StepType)" -ForegroundColor Cyan CMTraceLog -Message " Previous Export - Step Type: $($step.StepType)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Previous Export - Step Type: $($step.StepType)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" Write-Host "Previous Export - Step Action: $($step.StepAction)" -ForegroundColor Cyan CMTraceLog -Message " Previous Export - Step Action: $($step.StepAction)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Previous Export - Step Action: $($step.StepAction)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" Write-Host "Previous Export - Step Decription: $($step.StepDescription)" -ForegroundColor Cyan CMTraceLog -Message " Previous Export - Step Decription: $($step.StepDescription)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Previous Export - Step Decription: $($step.StepDescription)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" } } CMTraceLog -Message " ---- ---- Step Changes End---- ----" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " ---- ---- Step Changes End---- ----" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" } #Create the Logs for Changes in groups if ($diffgroup -ne $null) { CMTraceLog -Message " ---- ---- Group Changes Start - Group Name Only ---- ----" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " ---- ---- Group Changes Start - Group Name Only ---- ----" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" foreach ($group in $diffgroup) { CMTraceLog -Message " --- --- --- ---" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " --- --- --- ---" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" if ($group.SideIndicator -eq "=>") { CMTraceLog -Message " Current Export Group Name: $($group.InputObject)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Current Export Group Name: $($group.InputObject)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" } if ($group.SideIndicator -eq "<=") { CMTraceLog -Message " Previous Export Group Name: $($group.InputObject)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Previous Export Group Name: $($group.InputObject)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" } } CMTraceLog -Message " ---- ---- ---- ----" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " ---- ---- ---- ----" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " ---- Finished Details of Differences Since last Export ----" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " ---- Finished Details of Differences Since last Export ----" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" } } } $TSSourceDate = $TSObject.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") $TSExportDir = "$($ExportLocation)\TaskSequences\$($TaskSequence.Folder)" $TSExportName = "$($TaskSequence.Folder)_GARYTOWN_$($TSSourceDate).zip" if (-Not(Test-Path -Path $TSExportDir)){New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $TSExportDir} CMTraceLog -Message "----- Exporting TS: $($TSObject.Name) ------" -Type 1 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS TS Export" Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" Export-CMTaskSequence -InputObject $TSObject -ExportFilePath "$($TSExportDir)\$($TSExportName)" -Comment $TaskSequence.Comment -WithDependence $true -WithContent $false -Force Set-Location -Path "C:" CMTraceLog -Message "Exported TS: $($TaskSequence.Folder) on $($TimeStamp) with a Last Modified Date of: $($TSSourceDate)" -Type 2 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS TS Export" Write-Output "Exported TS: $($TSObject.Name) on $($TimeStamp) with a Last Modified Date of: $($TSSourceDate)" Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" #List & Log References for each TS if (($TSObject.References).count -ge 1) { Set-Location -Path "C:" CMTraceLog -Message "----- Listing References ------" -Type 1 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS TS Reference" Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" foreach ($Reference in $TSObject.References) { $TSReferenceObject = Get-CMTaskSequence -TaskSequencePackageId $Reference.Package -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($TSReferenceObject -ne $null) { $TSReferenceSourceDate = $TSReferenceObject.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") Set-Location -Path "C:" CMTraceLog -Message " Exported Reference TS: $($TSReferenceObject.Name) with a Last Modified Date of: $($TSReferenceSourceDate)" -Type 1 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS TS Reference" Write-Output "Exported Reference TS: $($TSReferenceObject.Name) with a Last Modified Date of: $($TSReferenceSourceDate)" Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" } } foreach ($Reference in $TSObject.References) { $TSReferencePackageObject = Get-CMPackage -Id $Reference.Package -fast -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($TSReferencePackageObject -ne $null) { $TSReferencePackageSourceDate = $TSReferencePackageObject.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") Set-Location -Path "C:" CMTraceLog -Message " Exported Reference Package: $($TSReferencePackageObject.Name) with a Last Modified Date of: $($TSReferencePackageSourceDate) - NO CONTENT" -Type 1 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS TS Reference" Write-Output "Exported Reference Package: $($TSReferencePackageObject.Name) with a Last Modified Date of: $($TSReferencePackageSourceDate) - NO CONTENT" Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" } } Set-Location -Path "C:" CMTraceLog -Message "----- Finished Listing References ------" -Type 1 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS TS Reference" Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" } } #Export Package Section. Set-Location -Path "C:" CMTraceLog -Message "----- Exporting WaaS Packages WITH CONTENT ------" -Type 3 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS Package Export" #Get Package File Information from the last run. It will then be replaced after this with the Files from the current run, then get compared to find the differences. $PackageContentsOld = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($LastExportLocation)\Packages" -Recurse foreach ($Content in $ContentPackageTable) { Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" $ContentObject = Get-CMPackage -Id $Content.PackageID -fast Set-Location -Path "C:" if (Test-Path "$($LastExportLocation)\$($ContentObject.Name).xml"){$ContentObjectLastRun = Import-Clixml -Path "$($LastExportLocation)\$($ContentObject.Name).xml"} Export-Clixml -InputObject $ContentObject -Path "$($LastExportLocation)\$($ContentObject.Name).xml" -Force if (-not($ContentObjectLastRun -eq $null)) { if ($ContentObject.LastRefreshTime -eq $ContentObjectLastRun.LastRefreshTime) { CMTraceLog -Message "Package: $($ContentObject.Name) - No Changes since last Export" -Type 1 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Package: $($ContentObject.Name) - Last Refresh: $($ContentObject.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) " -Type 1 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" } Else { CMTraceLog -Message "Package: $($ContentObject.Name) - New Changes since last Export" -Type 3 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Package: $($ContentObject.Name) - New Refresh: $($ContentObject.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) from :$($ContentObjectLastRun.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) " -Type 1 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message "Package: $($ContentObject.Name) - New Refresh: $($ContentObject.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) from :$($ContentObjectLastRun.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) " -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" } } $ContentSourceDate = $ContentObject.LastRefreshTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") $ContentExportDir = "$($ExportLocation)\Packages\$($Content.Folder)" $ContentExportName = "$($Content.Folder)_GARYTOWN_$($ContentSourceDate).zip" Set-Location -Path "C:" if (-Not(Test-Path -Path $ContentExportDir)){New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $ContentExportDir} #Export CM Package For Upload Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" Export-CMPackage -InputObject $ContentObject -FileName "$($ContentExportDir)\$($ContentExportName)" -Comment $Comment.Comment -WithContent $true -Force Set-Location -Path "C:" if (Test-Path -Path "$($LastExportLocation)\Packages\$($Content.Folder)") { Remove-Item -Path "$($LastExportLocation)\Packages\$($Content.Folder)" -Recurse -Force New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$($LastExportLocation)\Packages\$($Content.Folder)" } Copy-Item -Path "$($ContentExportDir)\$($Content.Folder)_GARYTOWN_$($ContentSourceDate)_files\*" -Recurse -Destination "$($LastExportLocation)\Packages\$($Content.Folder)" -Force #Export cm package for Compare #Export-CMPackage -InputObject $ContentObject -FileName "$($LastExportLocation)\Packages\$($Content.Folder).zip" -Comment $Comment.Comment -WithContent $true -Force #Remove-Item -Path "$($LastExportLocation)\Packages$($Content.Folder)_GARYTOWN_$($ContentSourceDate)_Files\*"($Content.Folder).zip" -Force #CMTraceLog -Message "Exported Package: $($Content.Folder) on $($TimeStamp) with a Last Modified Date of: $($ContentSourceDate)" -Type 1 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS Package Export" #Write-Host "$($TestDiff[0].name) Time Stamp Changed from Date $($testdiff[0].LastWriteTime) to $($testdiff[1].LastWriteTime)" #Write-Output "Exported Package: $($Content.Folder) on $($TimeStamp) with a Last Modified Date of: $($ContentSourceDate)" #Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" } Set-Location -Path "C:" #Grabs Info from The Current Export of packages to be able to create the Differences $PackageContentsNew = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($LastExportLocation)\Packages" -Recurse $PackageDiff = Compare-Object $PackageContentsold $PackageContentsnew -Property Name, LastWriteTime, Length | Where-Object {$_.Length -ge "1"} if ($PackageDiff -ne $null) { Write-Host "Package Changes Start Here" -ForegroundColor Cyan CMTraceLog -Message " ---- ---- Package Changes Start ---- ----" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " ---- ---- Package Changes Start ---- ----" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" foreach ($PackDiff in $PackageDiff) { CMTraceLog -Message " --- --- --- ---" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " --- --- --- ---" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" if ($PackDiff.SideIndicator -eq "=>") { Write-Host "Current Package Name: $($PackDiff.Name)" -ForegroundColor Cyan CMTraceLog -Message " Current Package Name: $($PackDiff.Name)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Current Package Name: $($PackDiff.Name)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Current Package LastWriteTime: $($PackDiff.LastWriteTime)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Current Package LastWriteTime: $($PackDiff.LastWriteTime)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Current Package Size: $($PackDiff.Length)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Current Package Size: $($PackDiff.Length)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" } if ($PackDiff.SideIndicator -eq "<=") { Write-Host "Previous Package Name: $($PackDiff.Name)" -ForegroundColor Cyan CMTraceLog -Message " Previous Package Name: $($PackDiff.Name)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Previous Package Name: $($PackDiff.Name)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Previous Package LastWriteTime: $($PackDiff.LastWriteTime)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Previous Package LastWriteTime: $($PackDiff.LastWriteTime)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Previous Package Size: $($PackDiff.Length)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Previous Package Size: $($PackDiff.Length)" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" } } CMTraceLog -Message " ---- ---- ---- ----" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " ---- ---- ---- ----" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" Write-Host "Package Changes Finished" -ForegroundColor Cyan CMTraceLog -Message " ---- ---- Package Changes Finish ---- ----" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " ---- ---- Package Changes Finish ---- ----" -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLogCombine -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" } #Export Waas Baseline Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" $WaaSBaseline = Get-CMBaseline -Name "WaaS*" Set-Location -Path "C:" if (Test-Path "$($LastExportLocation)\$($WaaSBaseline.LocalizedDisplayName).xml"){$WaaSBaselineLastRun = Import-Clixml -Path "$($LastExportLocation)\$($WaaSBaseline.LocalizedDisplayName).xml"} Export-Clixml -InputObject $WaaSBaseline -Path "$($LastExportLocation)\$($WaaSBaseline.LocalizedDisplayName).xml" -Force if (-Not($WaaSBaselineLastRun -eq $null)) { if ($WaaSBaseline.CIVersion -eq $WaaSBaselineLastRun.CIVersion) { CMTraceLog -Message "Baseline: $($WaaSBaseline.LocalizedDisplayName) - No Changes since last Export" -Type 1 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Baseline: $($WaaSBaseline.LocalizedDisplayName) - Version: $($WaaSBaselineLastRun.CIVersion) Last Refresh: $($WaaSBaseline.DateLastModified.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) " -Type 1 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" } Else { CMTraceLog -Message "Baseline: $($WaaSBaseline.LocalizedDisplayName) - New Changes since last Export" -Type 3 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message " Baseline: $($WaaSBaseline.LocalizedDisplayName) - New Version: $($WaaSBaselineLastRun.CIVersion) from: $($WaaSBaselineLastRun.CIVersion) on $($WaaSBaseline.DateLastModified.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) " -Type 1 -LogFile $CompareExportLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" CMTraceLog -Message "Baseline: $($WaaSBaseline.LocalizedDisplayName) - New Version: $($WaaSBaselineLastRun.CIVersion) from: $($WaaSBaselineLastRun.CIVersion) on $($WaaSBaseline.DateLastModified.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) " -Type 1 -LogFile $ChangeLog -Component "WaaS TS Export Changes" } } $WaaSBaselineModDate = $WaaSBaseline.DateLastModified.ToString("yyyyMMdd") $WaaSBaselineExportDir = "$($ExportLocation)\Baseline" Set-Location -Path "C:" if (-Not(Test-Path -Path $WaaSBaselineExportDir)){New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $WaaSBaselineExportDir} Write-Output "Exporting Baseline: $($WaaSBaseline.LocalizedDisplayName) version: $($WaaSBaseline.CIVersion) with a Last Modified Date of: $($WaaSBaselineModDate)" CMTraceLog -Message "Started Export of $($WaaSBaseline.LocalizedDisplayName)" -Type 1 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS Baseline Export" Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):" Export-CMBaseline -InputObject $WaaSBaseline -Path "$($WaaSBaselineExportDir)\WaaS_PreAssessment_v$($WaaSBaseline.CIVersion)_$($WaaSBaselineModDate).cab" Set-Location -Path "C:" CMTraceLog -Message "Exported Baseline: $($WaaSBaseline.LocalizedDisplayName) version: $($WaaSBaseline.CIVersion) with a Last Modified Date of: $($WaaSBaselineModDate)" -Type 2 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS Baseline Export" # Copy ReadMe File into Export Folder Copy-Item -Path "$($ExportFolderParent)\ReadMe.txt" -Destination $ExportLocation -Force -Verbose Copy-Item -Path "$($ExportFolderParent)\ReadMeManualChangeLog.txt" -Destination $ExportLocation -Force -Verbose Copy-Item -Path "$($ExportFolderParent)\WaaS_TS_ChangeLogCombine.log" -Destination $ExportLocation -Force -Verbose if (-not(Test-Path "$($ExportLocation)\REG2MOF")){New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$($ExportLocation)\REG2MOF"} Copy-Item -Path "$($ExportFolderParent)\REG2MOF\*" -Destination "$ExportLocation\REG2MOF" -Force -Verbose -Recurse CMTraceLog -Message "----- WaaS Export Process Complete ------" -Type 3 -LogFile $LogFile -Component "WaaS Package Export" #Zip Up Export Folder: $Now = $([datetime]::now.Tostring('s').Replace(':','-')) Compress-Archive -path "$ExportLocation\*" -DestinationPath "$ExportFolderParent\WaaSExport-$($now).zip" -Force -Verbose $sftphost = "sftp.webhosting.host" $Password = ConvertTo-SecureString 'MyAwesomePassword' -AsPlainText -Force $Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ('MyUserName', $Password) # Set local file path, SFTP path, and the backup location path which I assume is an SMB path $FilePath = "$ExportFolderParent\WaaSExport-$($now).zip" $SftpPath = '/Downloads/WaaS' #$SmbPath = '\\filer01\Backup' # Set the IP of the SFTP server #$SftpIp = '' # Load the Posh-SSH module Install-Module -Name Posh-SSH -Force -SkipPublisherCheck # Establish the SFTP connection $ThisSession = New-SFTPSession -ComputerName $sftphost -Credential $Credential # Upload the file to the SFTP path Set-SFTPFile -SessionId ($ThisSession).SessionId -LocalFile $FilePath -RemotePath $SftpPath #Disconnect all SFTP Sessions Get-SFTPSession | % { Remove-SFTPSession -SessionId ($_.SessionId) }
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