Run Scripts – CCM Cache Report

This Script will grab information about the items in your CCM Cache. What this script does Sets Cache Size to 25GB if not 25GB (Feel free to modify) Deletes Duplicate Content, leaving only the latest version of that content Reports Software Updates (Count) Software Update Name Software Update Status (Missing / Installed) Software Update Cache … Read more

Run Scripts: Trigger Baseline Evaluation

This Script will trigger the Baseline (Based on the Baseline Name input) then report compliance and if non-compliant, what rule was non-compliant. In this example, I’m triggering the baseline “WaaS Pre-Assessment”. The script does several things.. Triggers Machine Policy & Waits 2 Minutes Gets the Baseline Information from WMI If the Baseline is in WMI, … Read more

Run Scripts: Trigger Task Sequence

Update: New “Lite” Versions – On GitHub which checks execution history. Goal: Trigger Task Sequence remotely via Run Script. Allows you to trigger on one computer or several. *The Policy for the Task Sequence most already be on this machine. Type the Package ID for the Task Sequence you want to trigger on the machines: … Read more