Create HP BIOS Repository using PowerShell

First off, I love SCConfigMgr Driver / BIOS download tool, super powerful and fully featured. Sometimes you just want a lightweight script to run that will do a specific task over and over. Using the HP Client Management Script Library, Documentation HERE, I’ve created a simple Script that will go through a list of models … Read more

Dell Command Update via Task Sequence

Updating BIOS & Drivers using a Task Sequence, OSD, IPU, Stand alone. Why DCU (Dell Command Update)?  Why not driver packages?  First off, this solution isn’t right for some, and frankly is a horrible solution in many environments, but for others, it can be a life saver.  If you don’t have time to keep all … Read more

Dell BIOS update–WinPE–Model Independent–From Internet

Update 12/18/18 – Dell Changed their Cab XML data, and the part of the script that downloads directly isn’t working.  Checking with @Geodesicz (Mark Godfrey) to see if he has updated his script to accommodate this. Update 5/26 – Updated Script to use Dell’s Enterprise Cab XML data, instead of the ever changing Support Site.  … Read more

Dell Bios Upgrade in OSD WinPE x64

Update 3/17 – Update a couple sections to fix Bug in Script with assistance from the Dell BIOS Dev team. Uploaded the TS Export of this section. Download HERE:  3/24 – Removed all of the Bios Files and Update Utility to comply with Dell’s EULA. Task Sequence Export HERE – You can import this into … Read more