ConfigMgr Delete CCM & Nomad Cached Items

Updated 2018.05.31 to include script to Remove all software Updates from Nomad Cache.
Updated 2018.01.29 to include script to clean Nomad based on Content ID.

The CCMCache is pretty good at taking care of itself, but perhaps you have a reason to delete something specific, how do you do that in a supported way?

I have two scripts below, one that will just blow away ALL Software Updates in the cache, thoughts behind this, software updates should be installed within a couple weeks of being cached, after that, they are useless and never needed again, the other reason, if I’m upgrading to a new Windows 10 Build, I don’t need any of those old Windows 10 Software Updates in my cache anymore. (yes, you probably have others in there from office, etc, but hopefully you’ve installed them already, I admit, this isn’t for everyone) Script Name:

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Bitlocker on Hyper-V Virtual Machine

Updates 2020.02.27:
Two great posts you should check out from Niall

  1. Enabling Full Disk Encryption in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager 1910 in a task sequence
  2. Full disk encryption (in ConfigMgr 1910) – a closer look on real hardware

Wanted to point out, if you pre-provision bitlocker, currently (1910) and you want to use XTS 256 instead of the default 128, you NEED to set a registry key first.
REG ADD “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\FVE” /V EncryptionMethodWithXtsFdv /T REG_DWORD /D 7 /F

Upate 2017.11.29 – Thanks to for the idea, I was able to get FDE working using a pass-through disk, see bottom of post for more info.

Short post to go over something I found while researching Bitlocker Full Disk Encryption on Hyper-V virtual machines.

I was testing Enabling Bitlocker during our Task Sequence, and I didn’t have any physical machines to test on, no problem right?  With Hyper-V, you can now enable virtual TPM on Gen2 VMs, and have all the yummy goodness of UEFI, Secureboot, Bitlocker, Credential Guard all on your VM!  So I started testing, everything worked!  But when I checked the Bitlocker Status (manage-bde –status), it showed I was only encrypting Used Space.  While this would be fine for a Virtual Machine, I was confused because I told it to use Full Disk, NOT used space.  I ran many tests, trying several different things, but in the end, it never came out as I expected, with Full Disk.  Even post OSD, if I decrypted, ensured policy was set for Full Disk, it would only encrypt Used Space.  Finally, I gained access to a physical test machine, ran the exact same Task Sequence, and there it was, Full Disk Encryption. – Testing done on Hosts: Win 10 1607, 1709 & Server 2016.  VM’s running 1703 and 1709. Security settings were set to Enable Secure Boot & Enable TPM, tested Dynamic expanding & fixed disks. (Not Pass-through)

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Clean Up Storage Pre Upgrade

Just another group of tasks to add to your arsenal.  We run a Check Readiness step before our upgrades, with a minimum of 20GB Free. We have many clients that do not meet this minimum requirement and fail, and then have to remediate. While we have long term plans to automate much of this, and prevent the Task sequence from ever running on machines that don’t reach these pre-reqs, for now, a Band-Aid.

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ConfigMgr Task Sequence Collection

This is my “Clip Show” blog post, but hopefully you still find it useful.

I’ve been building out a Task Sequence that is just a collection of Task Sequence sections, or handy steps.  I’ll use this TS to pull sections from when I create new Task Sequences, and add / modify as I test in “Real” deployment Task Sequences. DOWNLOAD HERE *Note, this is not an actual Deployment TS, it’s meant to be imported and then have parts copied into your own TS.  All content, including some not used directly in this TS is included.

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Change Lock Screen & lockout users during Upgrade TS

Update 2017.10.26 – After a twitter convo with @brookspeppin, I added two additional steps for the legal notice.  I had ones to delete them, but Brooks said he had used them as the upgrade message, skipping everything else.  This was something I had considered, but after talking it over with the team, decided against it “No one reads that”, but after seeing Brooks’ screen capture, I tend to agree that it’s worth having in your pocket, so I’ve added it to the Task Sequence Export that’s available to download.  Here is a screen capture and keys needed.

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